Sunday, March 6, 2011

Basic Health Principles

Thank you for taking the time to visit this blog.

It is our hope to share with you information that will help you get closer to optimum health which is what the great Physician wishes for us, that:

"Beloved, I wish above all things that thou mayest prosper and be in good health, even as thy soul prospereth" 3 John 2.

So He hopes that we can have good health not only for the soul but also for the body, that we prosper in both, as is also written;

"I am come that they might have life, and that they might have it more abundantly" John 10:10.

I will start by sharing basic principles on health or on how to return to health in the case that we might have lost it. This info is purely educational and not intended to diagnose or treat anything. Best to consult your physician regarding diagnosis and that sort of thing.

We just share info which we have found helpful and hope that it might be of help to some.

With that said, here are some basic principles on health.

1 - Regularity in meals. Do not eat them early or late, but maintain a regular schedule. Your stomach is used to eating at certain times each day.

2 - Moderation. Only eat as much as you need. Never overeat. Only eat to satisfy hunger, and then stop.

3 - Take small bites. Only put a small amount in your mouth at a time. You will chew and salivate it better, and tend to eat less at that meal.

4 - Relax and eat slowly. If you are too rushed to eat, then do not eat. Do not be hurried, anxious, worried, fatigued, or angry.

5 - Chew your food well. You will derive far more energy out of less food, if you do this.

6 - Do not eat too many things at a meal. Three or four items (plus a little salt, oil, etc.) are all you need.

7 - Avoid complicated mixtures. Say no to the gravies, vegetable loaves, gluten foods, and all the rest. Keep your meal simple.

8 - Avoid peculiar additives, such as vinegar, monosodium glutamate, etc., which only upset your stomach and slow digestion.

9 - Vary your diet from meal to meal. If you ate oatmeal this morning, try rye or wheat tomorrow.

10 - The food should be palatable. But if it is good food, this should not be hard to do.

11 - Never eat anything prepared in aluminum. Never drink water or juice out of an aluminum container. Alzheimer's is worth avoiding.

12 - Aside from fresh, raw, juices or the green drink, drink all your liquids (water) between meals, not with your meals.

13 - As a rule, eat your fruits at one meal and vegetables at another. Acid fruits (such as citrus) can be eaten with either.

14 - Greens have more compacted vitamins and minerals than other type of food. They only lack vitamin D, which the body can get from sunlight. But they do not have adequate amounts of trace minerals.

15 - Nova Scotia dulse and Norwegian kelp (two types of seaweed) are the only rich source of trace minerals.

16 - Blackstrap molasses is the only very rich source of iron. It is also a very rich source of choline and inositol, the two B vitamins used in the largest quantities.

17 - The best pattern is to rest before the meal, and walk around after it, not vice versa.

We will endeavor to go into more detail on summarized principles like the above in future blog posts.

For now, we will stop here for now and continue next time.

God Bless

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